
Forms allow you to build, edit, customize and remove the Candidate interviews.

Updated this week


  1. Click Interviews

  2. Click + New Button

  3. Enter Form Name and Click Check button

  4. Click + Add Prompt to add a new Prompt to the Form or Click desired premade interview question from the drop-down

    1. To create new prompt enter Prompt into the box and click plus button

  5. Click the eye icon to preview the template

  6. Click the external link icon to access the terminal link for the interview. This link can be shared with candidates to complete but will not be tied to a specific job in your account.

    1. Note: We recommend setting up a job in Wedneday connected to your interview.


  1. Select the Form you want to edit

  2. Click the prompt you want to edit

  3. Adjust as desired (prompt, response time, description, remove etc)

    1. The edits will also apply to anyone who has already received the link to complete their interview.

    2. Optional: include Advanced Settings (Max Response Time, Take Limit (number of takes a candidate can have on the prompt), and Think Time) add a Competency, Prompt Text, Description or Video

  4. Drag and drop the order of interview questions

  5. Click Remove Question button to remove it from your Interview

Archived Forms

To archive Interview:

  1. Select the Form you want to archive

  2. Click the trash can icon

    1. Note: you will still be able to access the interviews.

    2. Note: arching your interview does not close it from applicants. Your link will continue to work, and your ATS will still send emails (if integration is enabled). To prevent future submission, you need to close the job by making it inactive.

To view archived interview:

  1. Toggle Include Archived Forms

  2. The Archived column will display Yes

To unarchive an interview:

  1. Click the interview

  2. Click the refresh button

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