Widget Settings
Updated over a week ago

Widget JS Snippet

The following needs to be on the clients website to automatically show a widget on linked role searches.

<script>(function(){var wtScript=window.wtScript;if(typeof wtScript!"function"){var filler = function(){};window.wtScript=filler;var loader = function(){var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');scriptTag.type='text/javascript';scriptTag.async=true;scriptTag.src='https://ca.app.wednesdaytalent.com/static/cafe/widget.js';document.body.append(scriptTag);};if(document.readyState='complete'){loader();}else if (window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent('onload', loader);} else {window.addEventListener('load', loader, false);}}})();</script>

Note: this script needs to be served on every job posting page; the correct place to add it depends on how they’ve built their webpages. Presumably theres some higher level template that they use to generate each job post and it should go there.

Consider Query Params in Widget Link Mapping

If an organization uses Query Params in their job reqs this setting will need to be enabled to distinguish the various job postings.

To enable:

  1. Click the toggle on

    • Note: If they need query params and this setting is wrong the consequence is that all job postings will get the same channel.

Widget Fallback Settings

Feed Settings allow you to use a Page as a fallback for job postings which do not yet have a channel.

Note: Wednesday Talent JS snippet must be present on the job posting page for fallback to appear.

To enable Company Feed Widget Fallback on Job Reqs:

  1. Go to Widget Settings under Settings

  2. Toggle the Company Feed Widget option

If you don’t want to use the Company Feed you can also select a specific channel as a fallback widget.

To add Channel:

  1. Click the +button

    • Optional: use the "URL Pattern": this is important as the first pattern that's matched (from top to bottom) will be the widget that's selected.

  2. Select the desired Channel

  3. Add to Channel URL box

  4. Click the Save button

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