Updated over a week ago


Users are individuals within an organization who have access to the admin portal of your Wednesday account. Each user can have a different set of permissions.

Add User

To add a new user:

  1. Open settings - Users

  2. Enter the user’s email into the New User Email box

  3. Enter the user’s first and last name into the New User Name box

  4. Click Add New User button

Invite User

To invite a new user:

  1. Click Send Invite Email button next to their name

    • Note: You must do this after you add a user in order for them to create their account.

    • Note: Once the user has been sent their invite a green check box will appear.

Deactivate User

You can deactivate users who should no longer have access to your account. They can be reactivated if needed.

To deactivate a user:

  1. Identify desired user

  2. Click the deactivate button


Permissions allow you to determine what a user should have access to within the application.

Tab Access

Tab Access determines what tabs a user has access to within the application.

  • Content: user can view the Content page

  • Requests: user can view Requests page

  • Channels: user can view the Channel page

  • Analytics: user can view Analytics page

  • Talent: user can view the Talent page

To update Tab Access:

  1. Identify user

  2. Toggle desired tab on/off

App Permissions

  • Create Channel: user can create role channels, without this permission, the create buttons do not appear.

  • Edit Settings: user can edit any of the information in the Settings menus, without this permission the user will not see the Settings menu.

To update App Permissions:

  1. Identify user

  2. Toggle desired tab on/off

Global Channel Permission

The Global Channel Permission is hierarchical in that each permission grants the permissions of the options lower than it.

  • Can Edit: user can change anything about that role channel, once it is created (ie basics, adjust the prompt forms, change contributors, change prequal questions, regenerate the channel, etc)

  • Note: if you are the owner of a channel, you automatically can edit.

  • Can Mark Candidates: user can accept or decline candidates, but can not adjust anything about building the role channel.

  • Can View: user can only view things about the channel, not change them

  • None: user can do nothing - a role channel that the user has none on ('are not attached to') does not appear in the drafts or channels lists.

To update Global Channel Permission:

  1. Identify user

  2. Click circle of the desired permission

Specific Role Channel Permissions

Allows you to give a user various permissions to a specific or subset of specific channels.

To update Specific Role Channel Permission:

  1. Identify user

  2. Click # Channel button

  3. Click circle of desired permission next to each channel

Content Permissions

You can create permissions for users to see specific content. You can set Content rules using the following criteria:

  • Tagged with (using Tags): all content with a specific Tag

  • Collected for Campaign: all content from a specific Campaign

  • Requested By: all content requested by a specific User

  • Contributed By: all content from a specific Contributor

To update Content Permissions

  1. Identify User you want to update and click # Filters button under the Content Permissions column

  2. Update your criteria by selecting desired options from the dropdown menus

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